1YesNone11000000/service/iphone-repair/0 items in cartor empty cartThumbnail Sort By:Price (Ascending)Price (Descending)Name (Ascending)Name (Descending) Product Name: Categories: iPhone 5 (2) iPhone 5c (2) iPhone 5s (2) Iphone 6 Plus (2) Iphone 6 (2) iPhone 6s (2) iPhone 6s Plus (2) iPhone 7 (3) Iphone 7 plus (2) iPhone 8 (2) Tags: iOS iPhone 5c CAdd to CartyDetails iPhone 5c Lcd Replacement $60.00 Add to Carta CAdd to CartyDetails iPhone 5c Battery Replacement $45.00 Add to Carta iPhone 5c iPhone 5c Lcd Replacement $60.00 CAdd to CartyDetails Add to Carta iPhone 5c Battery Replacement $45.00 CAdd to CartyDetails Add to Carta iPhone 5c CAdd to CartyDetails iPhone 5c Lcd Replacement $60.00 Add to Carta CAdd to CartyDetails iPhone 5c Battery Replacement $45.00 Add to Carta